Critical Date Checklist | Real Estate Flyer Template
Give your buyers a critical date checklist to make it easy to know what to expect - and for a smooth transaction! Personalize the info, dates, uploaded your photo, and insert your real estate logo & photo onto this beautifully eye-catching design.
Simply design a unique, modern flyer that stands out among the rest and is also budget friendly - Purchase once, use the template over & over!
- PDF Download & Editing Instructions
- Canva Link for Editable 8.5" x 11" Template
- Canva Link for Editable 210x297mm Template
1. You Instantly access Canva link through Download. (Canva uses a
login to the free version for the ability to save your drafts.)
2. You add your own logo and contact information.
3. You can customize the wording, font, font size, placement and sizing as much as you'd like.
4. Add your own images (or use the ones already in place).
5. Save as a PDF.
Editable in Canva = Text, Font, Font size, Colors, Photos, Positioningper-product data.
Your purchase licenses you (1 Individual) to use this template.
The template and content within template CANNOT be resold or
The sale of this template is not affiliated with Canva in any official way.
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Critical Date Checklist | Real Estate Flyer Template